Protect Your Website Digital Marketing Jacksonville FL

How to Protect Your Website

So you just invested in a professionally designed website and think you are good to go now…right?!? 

Well, not exactly. Unfortunately there is so much more to maintaining a website than most people realize. In order to keep your website up to date and protected, regular ongoing tasks will need to be revisited frequently so everything continues to run smoothly.  

Your Website Needs Regular Maintenance

Did you know your website is actually software? And like all your other devices, this software needs regular care and support to continue operating correctly. Updates are needed. Backups must be run. Compatibility needs to be tested. Hacks need to be averted. And uptime should be monitored.

With continual malware risks and not taking proper precautions to protect your website, you can easily be the next victim of an attack on your site. So let’s talk about a few ways to avoid these potential threats.

4 Things To Do To Keep Your Website Safe

While there are quite a few things you can do to protect your website, at a minimum, here are four things you can do to keep your website secure:

  1. Keep Software And Security Plugins Up-To-Date – Cyber thieves specifically target websites with outdated components like plugins and themes. Keep your software and plugins up to date by scheduling regular maintenance and updates.
  2. Use HTTPS – Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) adds an extra layer of protection to your website. This is done by installing a certificate that will prevent hackers from intercepting login information for your site.
  3. Backup Your Website – In the event that you are hacked, be sure to take precautionary actions by backing up your website. While you can do this manually, programs that automatically back your website on a regular basis is your best (and easiest!) bet.
  4. Choose a Secure Password – Take time to create a strong password that uses a variety of uppercase and lowercase letters as well as various numbers and symbols. Don’t use obvious names and remember that the longer the password, the better!

Start Protecting Your Site Today

As a business owner, your website is one of your company’s greatest marketing assets. It is important to keep your website up to date and secure. 

Whether it is backing up your website, creating a more secure password or changing over to a more secure web hosting platform, begin by implementing a few things today to ensure your website is as safe and secure as possible. The longer you wait, the greater chance you take being at risk.

Let Us Keep Your Website Secure

If maintaining your website is overwhelming, we would love to help! Our Site Care plans were developed with people like you in mind. Let us take care of your website while you focus on the other parts of your business.

With the Site Care Plan, we will handle the technical going forward. Our guarantee supports any issue that arises for your site while in our care. Never fear a broken or hacked website again. Let us handle all your site care needs.

We love giving business owners the freedom and peace of mind that their website is safe and secure and that we are keeping a close eye on things for you. Contact us today to discuss your options. 

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