Wordcamp 2016 Jacksonville April 16 & 17

WordCamp Jacksonville 2016 | Organizing, Teaching and Growing the WordPress Community

Open Sky Web Studio Loves Community!

If there’s one thing we love about WordPress, it’s the community that surrounds and improves this open source software. One of our core principles at Open Sky Web Studio is to not be technical bullies about websites, the internet or technology as a whole. We are teachers at heart and love engaging with our clients and others in the community so we can all learn and grow.

What is a ‘WordCamp’?

If you haven’t heard of a WordCamp, it’s basically a conference held in various cities around the world where WordPress developers, users, designers, marketers, bloggers, etc. all come together over a couple of days to learn from each other and deepen the knowledge base of the greater WordPress community. It’s a great time for networking as well as learning from each other’s failures and successes to make us all better.

WordCamp Jacksonville, FL | April 16-17, 2016

Open Sky Web Studio is committed to growing the WordPress community. We are active members and co-organizers of local WordPress Meetups in Jacksonville, FL and Chattanooga, TN. With the inaugural WordCamp Jacksonville happening this year, of course we would want to be involved! Karena Kreger has been part of the core WordCamp Jacksonville Organizing Team, who have worked for nearly a year to make this event happen. Thanks to the tireless efforts of all organizers, the North Florida WordPress community will have an amazing event to attend. Beau Moffatt is also representing Open Sky Web Studio, speaking on Interviewing and Writing Digital Content for Client Projects.

Follow WordCamp Jacksonville on Social Media at #WCJAX and Find the next WordCamp Near You!

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