When searching for a business online, what is one of the first things you do? You Google it! Chances are you will come across a company’s website or their Google Business profile right away. Having a professionally designed website will always be a high priority since it is often the first impression a potential customer may have of your business. But …
Read full articleDo you get frustrated when it comes to the upkeep and maintenance of your website? Does it seem like a waste of your time when you have to login to your website and troubleshoot problems that come up? Did you spend time writing a well crafted article and never could make the time to get it formatted and uploaded properly …
Read full articleEver wonder how we got to where we are today with digital marketing? Terms like SEO, E-commerce, PPC, and content marketing didn’t even exist years ago! But where did these marketing techniques come from? And how did we get to where we are today? Whether you are new to digital marketing, a seasoned pro, or just trying to brush up …
Read full articleIn this day and age, if you aren’t visibly promoting your business online, you are eventually going to fall behind. While good ol’ word of mouth referrals from friends and family will always be one of the best forms of generating leads in business, the most effective way to market your business consistently is through the world of digital marketing. …
Read full articleWebsite scams that target small businesses continue to run rampant. With the perpetual growth and development of the internet and web-based platforms, cyber thieves continue to take advantage of businesses with a variety of creative scams. Whether in the form of emails, pop-ups or even an invoice sent directly to your mailing address, the list of scams seem to be …
Read full articleAt Open Sky, we strive to be a military friendly employer by providing a flexible and meaningful place of employment regardless of a family’s current military status. Deployments and frequent moves make it difficult for military spouses to find employment or advance their careers. They face high unemployment rates and even higher rates of under employment. Military life is hard …
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